Beautiful destinations in Indonesia, Waterfall tiu teja.

Beautiful destinations in Indonesia, Waterfall tiu teja.

Waterfall tiu teja is a waterfall located in the village of santong, kecamatan kayangan, north lombok regency. The water that flows this waterfall comes from the lakes of the children in the mountain Rinjani. Distance from the city of Mataram with this waterfall is 80 km and to reach this waterfall takes 2 hours. This waterfall has a waterfall height of approximately 50 meters, with a water width of about 10 meters. The waterfall is in the middle of a tropical forest with tall trees which are inhabited by wildlife such as long-tailed monkeys (macaca fascicularis) and black monkeys. The waterfall area "tiu teja" is located approximately 3 km from the village santong. Access point to this place can be reached by two-wheeled vehicles to the parking lot of this tourist attraction. From this parking area, visitors must walk about 2 km. From the gate visitors must walk down a narrow streets are quite steep about 300 meters. Along this declining staircase, you will be presented with beautiful tropical forest scenery and dozens of long-tailed monkeys and black monkeys that jump from branch to branch. After walking 15 minutes, we will arrive just in front of the waterfall tiu teja. Fatigue is felt to be paid off when looking at the beauty and uniqueness of the waterfall pride of this district community.
